Monday, August 29, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Monday, August 15, 2005
So what did I do before the roof project? I have been working on the roof for 9 days straight (excluding Sundays) and I can't remember what I did with my spare time before this project. I have realized how being a desk jockey is not good for ones health.
Well the list begins...
1. Get ready for winter. That means firewood. I have a couple cords cut and split. I want to build a wood shed so the wood is under cover and located in one place. I have a free lumber deal that needs to be hauled home. Then I have a shed in-the-making.
2. Work on the Landcruiser.
3. Clean the garage!
4. Take the boys fishing.
Speaking of the boys. They are headed to our friends place in Wallowa, Oregon, for a few days. They are so excited. They get to go logging, rock crushing, road building and whatever else comes along.
My wife, Cami, is the best. She likes to work hard and show the other girls what she is made of. Well she is a bionic woman of sorts. She has two 3/8 diameter rods in her back and assorted other hardware to stop her scoliosis progression. Anyway she has been a great help on the roof. Yesterday she stands up and bam! Now she is walking around all bent over like a 90 year old, osteoporosis poster child. Sounds like she has a pinched nerve in her lower back and can't stand up straight. Hopefully it won't last as she is really active.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Roof is Going Up
Thanks to everyone that helped with the roofing project. Is is about 25% away from completion. Of course the hottest weekend of the year is when the roofing project happens. The easy stuff is done with the installation and now all of the valleys and flashing have to be completed. The removal was the worst part on the hottest days.
It is really satisfying having the new roof look nice and having done it yourself (with lots of help).
On another subject: Is Dumbledore really dead? My co-worker, Jim, came up with that idea.