Only in America
- Do people have a long box, 4-door pickup with a bike rack on top of the cab and nothing in the bed.
- Are you served a meal in a resturant that can feed 2 or 3 people nicely.
- Are endangered predators re-introduced into the wild when our ancestors clean them out because they loved to kill and were hard on business.
- Do hotdogs come in packages with a quantity different from the number of buns in a package.
- People drive to church when they live with in walking distance.
- Do people hire someone to do the things they are completely capable of doing but too lazy to do.
- People commute to work in a Suburban alone.
- People choose to live on the opposite side of town from their work.
- Get drunk every weekend because it is the weekend.
- Two people live in a house that has more than two bedrooms.
- The thermostat for the AC is set at 68 degrees in the summer because that is what the heat is at in the winter.
- Fast food meals can be super sized.
- People that can't afford a loan payment, apply for and are giving loans.
- People water their lawn that live in the desert.
- People build cities below sea level that are right next to the sea.
- People get upset when they are injure during extreme sports.
- Sue others for their own mistakes.
- Managers of companies are paid over a million dollars a year...
- Illegal immigrants have rights.
- Political leaders believe more laws will create a better people.
- Teachers are paid less that entertainers.
There are many more. Feel free to add yours to the comments section. DMP
Labels: Americans, Good Sense, Irony