A forty something Dad, Husband, Engineer guy living in Western Oregon. Reflections on all things in life. A few technical things and whatever else comes along.
Each evening we close the flock in so the local vermin don't have roasted chicken or Peking duck. The silly duck hen is always outside acting goofy. I caught her a couple times and put her in the coop. While I was holding her I would mess with her by swinging my hand at her eye really fast. No flinch! Ahah, this duck it blind. The curious observer in me has taken to watching this blind duck navigate through life. As you can see in the picture she is healthy. (the hen is the brown one)
The drake walks along quacking softly and she follows along, everywhere. Just recently she is even making it back into the coop at night. It is a bit of a maze to get back inside. They get out in the pasture by either squeezing under the gate or sneaking under the edge of the barn wall. So that is the first obstacle to getting inside. Then there is the tunnel along the back of the barn and the step up to get through the "doggie door" (actually ducky door) to get inside. For awhile she didn't even make it back in the tunnel. Eventually she would get in the tunnel but wouldn't make the step up through the ducky door. Now it is all the way...
If someone told you they had a blind duck on the farm, you would picture a rough looking fowl crashing into anything and everything. If I didn't tell people she was blind you'd never know it. Pretty cool stuff in the animal world. DMP
The Universal Language of...