Rooster Wrangling and Aquatic Carpentry
So the ornery rooster has a new home at the neighbors. When I was getting ready to relocate him to his new coop, all kinds of thoughts were running through my head. Is he going to peck me, spur me to pieces and jest go bonkers? So I put on my old Carhartt coat and a pair of welding gloves. I go in the coop where the flock is roosting and talk to them all, innocent like. I grabbed the rooster's feet with my right hand and put him in a bear hug with the left hand. He went for the walk like a happy kitten. There was no blood or even squawking. I didn't even get pooped on. Well that wasn't very exciting...
The number one son has to wait for the bus by the road. Last Thursday the first big rain in a long time arrived. Right away the requests came in for a bus stop shelter. On Saturday afternoon between rain showers we (the whole family) started building a bus waiting shelter. This is Oregon and it's Corbett. This means weather proof and wind resistant. We got some bricks and cement blocks that came with the place and dug in a level "foundation." It is just cement blocks at each corner. The free wood supply proved its usefulness once again. The shelter is 4 feet square, 6 feet tall in the front and 5.5 feet tall at the back. The base frame is 2x6's with 2x6 decking. The walls and rafters are 2x4s. The exterior is 3/4 concrete form plywood, free from the neighbors. Is has the DMP standard single pitch roof sloping up from back to front. Hopefully the wind will push the shelter down instead of over, like the wing on a race car. I like single pitch roofs on out building because they consume the least lumber. The roof is 6 feet square to give 1 foot over hang all around. It rains here... I'll post a picture when it is close to complete.
By the way my Dad hauled the free 2x4's from Canby to my place on Saturday. Getting rid of the road worthy truck cramps my hauling style. For you 4-by nerds check out this Toyota FJ-45 1960's stationwagon frame off restoration.
This guy is thorough and does nice work. This is getting my LandCruiser jiuces flowing. DMP
That is a really nice buildup. I love those old Toyota wagons.
Spoiled kids. Remember walking down Graf road in the rain and then waiting for the bus in the rain. By the time we got to school we would be soaked to the skin. No wonder my nose was always running off my face. That's cool though.
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