I was a kid in the '70s. I was there when sideburns were hip. I have seen attempts, on people today, at sideburns as a fashionable patch of facial hair. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not against facial hair. I follow the 6 on/6 off concept where my beard is concerned. But sideburns were not cool in the '70s and they are even worse today.
A prime example of what I am talking about is a balding young fellow I saw recently had sideburns down to the bottom of his ears. If you are balding don't compensate by sprouting bushy growth where-ever else you are capable. Burns are bad. I have spoken. DMP
I think you are treading on thin ice (pun intended) buddy!! I'm watching the top of your pate get thinner by the year!!
I'm with you! At least in the 70's they had real sideburns, not these little wisps. Real men do not grow wisps! Love the picture.
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