"Chewy Let's Get Out of Here"
(Star Wars)
This is Chewbaca the birthday present for the Mrs. He is 1/2 Pug and 1/2 Pekinese. As you can see he does have a big account at the cute bank. He is 4-1/2 months and generally a good guy. He can test a person's patience with the house breaking...
I just tiled the carpet part of the dining room because he re-activated the old dog pottie from the previous home owner's pee monster. If I can just get the tile sealed with out him springing a leak the Gods are smiling down on me.
Luckily the foster dog, Radcliff, is getting along great with Chewy. It is nice to have a puppy so he can learn cats are okay and goats are okay. The chickens are hard to resist chasing. So now you have met the newest critter. DMP
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