My Sky Color

A forty something Dad, Husband, Engineer guy living in Western Oregon. Reflections on all things in life. A few technical things and whatever else comes along.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog

I have creative ideas on things to write but the gumption to stop and do it is not there.  There is a problem in my one computer house, four people want to use it.  During the school year the evenings are filled with people in line to get on the computer.  With summer being here the boys typically have used up their electronics time by the time evening rolls around.

Blogging is like having different kinds of pets.  I once had a hedge hog.  He was really cute but very prickly to play with.  There wasn't a lot of touchy feely feed back just a prickly back.  A dog on the other hand, gives lots of feedback.  They meet you at the door ready to say, "Hi" after a long day.  Blogging is fun when there is feedback in the form of comments bacause you know someone is actually reading your creations.  When there are no comments it is hard to know if it's worth the effort.

With the home computer being more accesible during the summer I'll have to blog a few things and see if it is a puppy or a headge hog.


At 9:18 PM, Anonymous Doug Paul said...

I love Puppies...

At 8:07 PM, Blogger Carly said...

Well, we read/check your blog all the time, so it would be sad if you stopped. Nevertheless, I understand that to blog or not to blog crisis. I have one every few months, myself. Blog on!

At 10:59 AM, Blogger Cami said...

I check all the time, too. Please keep blogging!

At 6:17 PM, Blogger troutdalite said...

don't know if I'm a hedgehog or puppy...but love reading the ramblings!

At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Julie said...

Sorry I haven't read for a while - got out of the habit, and then our computer was in the shop, and I had to go to the hard work of finding your address again!


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